The 50th International
Eucharistic Congress will be held in the RDS Dublin from 10-17
June 2012 with the closing ceremony taking
place in Croke Park on the 17th June 2012.
Full details at |
A Eucharistic Congress is an international
gathering of people which aims to:
• Promote an awareness of
the central place of the Eucharist in the life and mission
of the Catholic Church.
• Help improve our understanding and celebration
of the Liturgy.
• Draw attention to the social dimension of the
These aims are achieved through a programme
of liturgical and cultural events, lectures and workshops
over a number of days every four years. The most recent
Congress was held in Quebec in 2008 and was a source
of renewal for the many thousands who took part. This
was also the case with the last Irish Eucharistic Congress,
held in Dublin in June 1932.
The theme of the 2012 Irish Eucharistic
Congress is “The Eucharist: Communion
with Christ and with one another.” This
theme, Communion with Christ and with one another, will
help us to explore not only how our relationship with
Jesus can be deepened in the Eucharist, but also how
the Eucharist challenges us to look more closely at
how we live with one another. |
We are all invited, over the next two
years, to journey together in preparation for the Eucharistic
Congress. Like the disciples on the road to Emmaus,
we may start out with heavy hearts, but through our
encounter with Jesus on the road, we will be filled
with new hope and energy.
During Advent and Lent for the next two
years, in the parishes of the South Tyrone Area - Drumragh,
(Dregish), Drumquin,
- we will reflect on each of the four parts of the Mass
– Gathering together / Listening
to God’s Word / Being Nourished
by the Bread of Life / Being sent out
as witnesses of the Gospel.
To begin the preparations, focusing on
the first part of the Mass, [Gathering together
to celebrate the Eucharist], we are holding
a Eucharistic Novena, commencing with prayer in the
various parishes on Sat 27th & Sun 28th Nov 2010.
[A Novena Prayer will be available in
Churches at the beginning of the Novena]. Everyone is
then invited to gather each evening in Christ
The King Church, Strathroy, Omagh: Mon 29th Nov thru
to Fri 3rd Dec @ 7.30pm for a Novena Service.
The Novena will conclude in the various parishes on
the weekend of Sat 4th/Sun 5th December. |