here to view the Service Booklet for Friday, 3rd December
2010 (.pdf, 1.6MB)
Click here
to view the Service Booklet for Thursday, 2nd December 2010
(.pdf, 1.6MB)
There was no booklet for Wednesday's special service.
Click here
to view the Service Booklet for Tuesday, 30th November 2010
(.pdf, 1.6MB)
Click here to
view the Service Booklet for Monday, 29th November 2010
(.pdf, 1.6MB) - ***

In preparation for the upcoming
CONGRESS to be held in Dublin, Ireland in
2012, during the periods of Advent and Lent for the next
two years, in the parishes of the South Tyrone Area -
Drumragh, Cappagh,
Greencastle, Newtownstewart,
Castlederg (Dregish area), Drumquin,
Gortin - we will reflect on each of the
four parts of the Mass – Gathering together / Listening
to God’s Word / Being Nourished by the Bread of
Life / Being sent out as witnesses of the Gospel. |
To begin the preparations, focusing on the first part of
the Mass, Gathering together to celebrate the Eucharist,
we are holding a Eucharistic Novena, commencing
with prayer in the various parishes on Sat 27th & Sun
28th Nov 2010.
For a wider perspective of the Eucharistic
Congress, please be sure to visit the official
website : http://www.iec2012.ie
here to view Novena Program as a pdf] |
We are all invited, over the next
two years, to journey together
in preparation for the Eucharistic Congress. Like the disciples
on the road to Emmaus, we may start out with heavy hearts [...] |
Francis Campbell,
a native of Rathfriland, was born in 1970. In 2005 he made history
by becoming the first Catholic to be appointed Ambassador to
the Vatican since the Reformation [...] |
Marie Lindsay is
from the Parish of Iskaheen in County Donegal and is married
to Collie and they have 5 grown up children, Lee, Sarah, Kate,
Denis and Fionnuala. Marie is Principal of St Mary’s College
in Derry [...] |
In 1972, Richard Moore
was blinded by a rubber bullet fired at point blank range into
his face. Amazingly, from childhood to the present day he has
never allowed bitterness to stunt his development [...] |
Father Paschal McDonnell,
a native of Strabane, is a Franciscan Friar based in Rossnowlagh,
County Donegal and is engaged in the ministry of healing and
reconciliation [...] |
Breige O’Hare,
a native of Omagh, is married and living in Belfast. She worked
in the Diocese of Down and Connor for eight years, assisting
in the training and formation of adults for family ministry,
producing material for use on sacramental preparation |
Morning Mass in St
Mary’s Church Killyclogher
Evening Novena Service in Christ the King Church,
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in Christ the King
Saturday & Sunday ..... Novena
Prayers at all Weekend Masses |
Monday 29th |
7.45am |
Mass |
7.30pm |
Evening Service |
Guest Speaker : Mr
Francis Campbell |
8.15 - 9.30pm
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament |
Concluding with Night
Prayer |
Tuesday 30th |
7.45am |
Mass |
7.30pm |
Evening Service |
Guest Speaker : Mrs
Marie Lindsay |
8.15 - 9.30pm
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament |
Concluding with Night
Prayer |
Wednesday 1st |
7.45am |
Mass |
7.30pm |
Evening Service |
Guest Speaker : Mr
Richard Moore |
8.15 - 9.30pm
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament |
Concluding with Night
Prayer |
Thursday 2nd |
7.45am |
Mass |
7.30pm |
Evening Service |
Guest Speaker : Fr
Paschal McDonnell |
8.15 - 9.30pm
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament |
Concluding with Night
Prayer |
Friday 3rd |
7.45am |
Mass |
7.30pm |
Evening Service |
Guest Speaker : Mrs
Breige O’Hare |
8.15 - 9.30pm
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament |
Concluding with Night
Prayer |
Saturday & Sunday ..... Novena
Prayers at all Weekend Masses |

Lord Jesus,
You were sent by the Father
to gather together those who are scattered.
You came among us, doing good and bringing healing,
announcing the Word of salvation
and giving the Bread which lasts forever.
Be our companion on life’s pilgrim way.
May your Holy Spirit inflame our hearts,
enliven our hope and open our minds,
so that together with our sisters and brothers in faith
we may recognise you in the Scriptures
and in the breaking of bread.
May your Holy Spirit transform us into one body
and lead us to walk humbly on the earth,
in justice and love, as witnesses of your resurrection.
In communion with Mary,
whom you gave to us as our Mother at the foot of the cross,
through you may all praise, honour and
blessing be to the Father in the Holy Spirit and in the Church,
now and forever. Amen
Other resources can be found on the official
Eucharistic Congress Website.
http://www.iec2012.ie |