16th November 2011 |
: : Fr John McDevitt |
: St Mary's Church, Drumragh |
This was to be
the final night of this superb series of evenings. It was
probably one of the most peaceful and thought provoking. Again,
following the warm welcome and singing of Hymns, observation
of the evenings Icon and the saying of the Congress Prayer,
the congregation were treated to two wonderful talks. Both
talks held the theme of 'Presence' - one directed personally
at ourselves and how we listen, or, don't listen to others,
and the second, how we treat our Presence with the Lord -
Are we talkers in front of Jesus, or, are we listeners.
Following a series of Hymns, there was Benediction and Adoration
of the Blessed Sacrament. A beautiful time of peaceful 'Presence'
with the Lord, as it should be, in the Community of others. |
the icon,
Notice its colours, the walls reminding us that this
is an indoor event, in the upper Room
Look at the gathering, be drawn into that space
This space is filled with the presence of the Spirit
of God. Jesus through the Word of God listed some of
the signs, the fruits of the Spirit in our lives that
would identify his followers: love your neighbour; clothe
those who are naked; feed those who are hungry; seek
reconciliation; Forgive; give to those in need.
Remember the Be-attitudes
be good news to others; Be Christ to others
See the blue opening into heaven above the apostles’
heads. See the rays descend upon them
Notice the red fiery flames of the Spirit resting,
be drawn in.
Notice Cosmos, symbol of the world, in the dark doorway,
collecting the scrolls of the Good News like bread for
a starving world.
What Good News do you offer?
The Spirit of the Lord is upon you
because the Spirit has anointed you
to bring good news to the poor –to those who lack
security, whose future may appear bleak
to proclaim freedom for those imprisoned –by fear
or guilt ...
recovery of sight for those who cannot see –perhaps
due to anger or prejudice
release to the oppressed –supporting them, helping
them find their voice.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon you! |