Monday 7th November 2011
Celebrant : : Monsignor Donnelly
Location : St Mary's Church, Drumragh

Eucharistic Congress Preparation - The third stage in the planning for the Eucharistic Congress 2012 took place through November 2011. With the neighbouring parishes we have already reflected upon the Introductory Rites (Advent 2010) and the Liturgy of the Word (Lent 2011). In this third stage we reflected upon the Liturgy of the Eucharist. We gathered in St Mary’s Church, Drumragh on :

Monday 7th November: Gifts & Transformation

Wednesday 9th November: Remembering

Monday 14th November: Recognising Jesus

Wednesday 16th November: The Real Presence

Each service began at 7 pm and lasted about forty minutes. This stage of preparation will be concluded with all the neighbouring parishes gathering for a Mass in Christ the King Church, Strathroy on Wednesday, 23rd November at 8 pm. All are welcome.

The first night of this stage of preparation saw a truly multi-media affair - bringing the word of God through as many of our senses as possible. The night saw the beginning of a structure that was followed each night - a warm welcome was followed the singing of the Congress Hymn, then there was the focus on the evenings Icon (below) and the saying of the Congress Prayer - all projected onto the wall behind the altar.

The congregation were also treated to a movie from 1932, giving them a flavour of what it was like the last time the Eucharistic Congress came to Ireland. See full movie below the Icon.

Then the younger members of the audience took over - bringing the Harvest to the altar.

The evening then ended with the Prayers of the Faithful and singing of the Congress Hymn.

Look closely at the icon, be attentive to its colours – to read the message they hold.
Notice the body language of both Mary and John,
Notice the space around the figures and between them, sense the emptiness.
Look at Mary’s face –serious and concerned,
sorrowful at the suffering of her son Jesus,
looking outward, toward John.
Yet look at her feet, clothed in red, the colour of joy –her faith in the resurrection revealed.
Allow yourself be drawn into this gathering,
Stand withMary, Mother of the Church,
and know yourself to be, like John, ‘the disciple Jesus loved.’
Gather with them, fill the space between them, hear God speak to you with them,
be aware that we all gather with them.
Hear the words: “Woman, behold your child”,
And as though they are spoken to you, hear the words: “behold your mother.”
Be drawn to the figure of John, the one who recognised Jesus to be the light that darkness could not overcome, who witnessed the Transfiguration and the one who sat next to Jesus at the last supper. What questions about his experience of Jesus would you like to ask him?
Draw close, remember some of the verses from John’s gospel about Jesus –behold the lamb of God; you are the Christ; remain in mylove; abide in me and I will abide in you.

Eucharistic Congress Prayer Eucharistic Congress Hymn

All the information and images relating to the Study of these icons are the copyright of the Eucharistic Congress

This event is part of a local effort to stimulate interest in the 2012 Eucharistic Congress.

For a wider perspective of the Eucharistic Congress, please be sure to visit the official website :